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Large Projects

The realization of large collaboration projects is one of the areas where SOROS GABINETE has most experience, where we have a consolidated methodology and great success stories.


Each of these phases is of high importance, and our specific expertise in ICT and technology based projects in general allows us to address them successfully. We are experts with specialisations covering a broad range of transversal topics as digitisation, communications, health, energy, transport and the circular economy, to name some.


  • Definition of strategic lines of the research project: It is important to know, within an ambitious project, what are the technological challenges and the lines to be investigated, with the aim of weighing the risk and the needs of the project.

  • Alignment with strategic objectives of the sector: In a globalized world in which we live, for the search of financing we must value what we contribute to the research community, and what things are financed. SOROS GABINETE is in the definition agencies which defines the state of the art of the ICT sector.

  • Generation of a leading consortium: With a wide network of contacts we can generate winning consortiums, searching for the most suitable partners, so that synergies and complementary techniques are found for the success of the projects.

  • Search for funding: With our in-depth knowledge across innovation financing instruments and public programmes, we look for the most suitable ones for each project and through the different phases of the project, being highly selective with the projects we take on.

  • Project management: For the success of the projects, we accompany the consortia throughout their execution stage, using formal PMI methodology and considering activities of each organisation in the consortium.

Image by Ian Schneider
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